What We Do

What We Do

Developing Leaders, Teams, and Cultures that Execute as One.

OneTeam Leadership helps clients deliver extraordinary performance through leadership, teamwork, and culture. We design each client partnership using these core solutions:

What We Do At OneTeam Leadership
OneTeam Leadership Experience TM
OneTeam Leadership Experience


The OneTeam Leadership Experience allows leaders the rare opportunity to press pause, slow down and fully examine their leadership style. The process allows participants to deeply understand the thinking patterns, assumptions, biases and beliefs that have shaped their historical leadership approach. This reflective and transformative experience allows leaders to expand their own self-awareness and to develop a stronger and deeply authentic way of leading.

The OneTeam Leadership Experience is offered through cross-company open programs, in-house leadership academies, one-on-one executive coaching, and customized consulting engagements.

OneTeam Leadership Experience (OTLE) Programs:

OneTeam LeadershipOTLE OneTeam LeadershipOTLE for Healthcare

OneTeam Advantage TM
OneTeam Advantage


Imagine a team full of talented people focused on winning together. Where teammates are as passionate about each other’s success as they are about their own. Where both how the team works and what they work on are integral to success.

This is the OneTeam Advantage. Building a team with strong, trusting relationships, deep alignment and a disciplined focus on delivering the results that matter most. The OneTeam Advantage is a transformative process that builds self-leadership, defines high performance team behaviors, and focuses on delivering extraordinary results together. The outcome is a healthy, high-performance team that achieves extraordinary results and enjoys the ride.

The OneTeam Advantage is offered through team development programs and customized consulting engagements.

OneTeam Journey TM
OneTeam Journey


Every organization has a culture. Are you shaping yours by design or allowing it to shape your organization by default? Your culture – the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and performance expectations – impacts everything: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, strategy execution and innovation. In this way, culture enables strategy and can be either a headwind or tailwind for your organization’s performance.

The OneTeam Journey identifies your current culture, creates a new design that aligns strategy, brand, and values, then implements the new culture starting with top leaders. The result is a healthy, high-performance organization that brings your people and teams together as OneTeam.

The OneTeam Journey is offered through customized consulting engagements for departments, divisions and enterprise-wide leaders.


Organizations are as unique as the people within them and so are the solutions they seek. OneTeam Leadership organizational solutions address business challenges and create a path to extraordinary performance.


Developing Greater Wellness and ResiliencyOvercoming the pressure and constantly changing dynamics of the modern corporate environment requires leaders to build a strong foundation of personal resiliency.

OneTeam Leadership invites leaders to lead themselves by taking an introspective look at their current level of wellness, fatigue and life satisfaction. This honest review is the first step towards a new and dramatically more resilient approach to their own personal leadership. By resetting the individual leader’s personal wellness and engagement level, they develop the opportunity to lead themselves and others with greater effectiveness and intentionality, both personally and professionally.


Customer experience plus employee engagement equals human experience. This simple equation is easy to understand but challenging to master.

OneTeam Leadership helps leaders implement their winning formula. By demonstrating care for their teams, a culture of highly engaged employees who operate at peak performance is created. Within this culture, a powerful focus emerges to deliver outstanding customer experiences. When the organization continuously prioritizes customer experience and a culture of care, a valuable cycle forms. Our team is passionate about cultivating these two forces deep within organizational cultures to deliver outstanding human experiences inside and out.


Developing TalentThe most valuable competitive advantage an organization has is its talent. Employee training and packaged leadership programs are widely available, but deep, lasting, transformational development is extremely rare.

OneTeam Leadership specializes in delivering profound leadership development experiences that accelerate growth and engage talent deeply to reach their full potential. From high-potential to executive leaders, we partner to create experiences that expand this advantage, engage your most critical people, and bind them together as committed enterprise leaders.


Supporting Rapid GrowthWhen business takes off, leaders of fast-growing companies find themselves sprinting to meet customer demand and stay ahead of competition. Accelerated hiring leads to a rapidly changing culture that becomes unrecognizable to founders and disconnected from its core.

OneTeam Leadership helps fast-growing companies secure their cultural foundation to accelerate growth and establish culture as the foundation that supports change and growth. This process captures the spirit of the organization, embeds it in the mindset and behaviors of company leaders, and unifies the people, teams, and culture to grow the company together.


Driving Digital and IT TransformationDigital technology has become a universal business priority and the primary barrier to digital success in companies today is culture. Strategic attachment, functional silos, and legacy thinking are just some of the cultural barriers preventing digital adoption.

OneTeam Leadership helps leaders confront their own barriers and lead a shift in the organizational mindset toward new possibilities. This process unlocks resistance and accelerates the critical changes necessary to become a digital enterprise. Our team guides business, digital and IT teams to come together as one to leverage strengths, confront weaknesses, and launch an integrated digital transformation.


Creating Change ReadinessConstant change is the new normal – and the most significant barrier to change comes down to choice. Whether it is triggered by external forces or driven from within, people resist changes they did not choose. What leaders need is nimble and change resilient people who choose and adapt to their evolving new reality.

OneTeam Leadership helps leaders create a change-ready culture based on how they lead their people. We then help their teams see how this natural change bias creates internal resistance and how to lead themselves toward proactive choice and change resiliency. This removes the change barrier and replaces it with agility, optimism, and passion for the future.

+1 704-207-0363